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Family of Mary Tershak & John Hrivnak
Mary Tershak, b. Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne Co., PA, m. John Hrivnak [b. July 13, 1915 in Swoyersville, Luzerne Co., PA, d. April 6, 1979 in Swoyersville, Luzerne Co., PA] on August 20, 1938 in Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne Co., PA
Their Children:
Dorothy Hrivnak, b. Swoyersville, Luzerne Co., PA m. Jerome Krakosky
Children of Dorothy Hrivnak & Jerome Krakosky
Mary Ann Hrivnak, b. Swoyersville, Luzerne Co., PA m. James Carr
Joseph Hrivnak, b. December 30, 1946 in Kingston, Luzerne Co., PA, d. December 31, 1946 in Kingston, Luzerne Co., PA
Thomas John Hrivnak, b. Kingston, Luzerne Co., PA m. Cecelia Lin
Children of Thomas & Cecelia Lin Hrivnak
Cindy Hrivnak, b. Kingston, Luzerne Co., PA
Karen Hrivnak, b. Kingston, Luzerne Co., PA m. Vincent Rauss
Children of Karen Hrivnak & Vincent Rauss
Mary Tershak Hrivnak
My Grandma
By Laura Hrivnak,
June 1996
The Early Years
What were times like when you were a child? How did you and your family
live? Were times better or worse? Why? What is your earliest memory?
Times were difficult. My mom and dad died when I was a young girl. My older
brother took care of me and my two younger sisters. My older sister went out
on her own.
I lived in a rented house. Things were worse than they are now. Back then
there were less conveniences and I was on my own. I worked by hand. Washing
and drying was done by hand.
My earliest memory is when I played with my friends, but I basically
took care of myself.
What types of things did you do as a child? What did you like to do most?
As a child I did a lot of housework, and I took care of myself. I played
with other kids, too. I attended school at Cortwright Public School through
eighth grade. Then I got a job doing housework. However I went to school
once a week until I was 16. When I was 16, I went out to dance.
How did your parents treat you? What times with them were the most
enjoyable? Why?
Times were good. There was no hollering or discipline because we all did
what we were supposed to do. My mom died when I was 7, and my dad passed
when I was 15. My little sister, Dorothy, was 5 at mom's death, and 13 at
dad's. I didn't go on any outings or picnics. I went to the playground with
my little sister. That was enjoyable because I usually worked, so playing
was fun.
What advice did your parents give you that has helped you in life? What
examples did they set?
They set good examples from what I remember. They were hard working. I
really don't remember much about them. They always told me to work hard and
do what was right.
As a teenager, did your parents let you socialize with boys or girls? Where
did you go when you went out?
I socialized with girls most of the time. When I went on dates, I went for
walks or went to the bakery. I didn't go to movies or go out for soda.
On Her Own
What was it like when you went out on your own? Were times hard? Did you
It was difficult when I went out on my own. I worked very hard. I was
married at age 18 to John Hrivnak, who was 22. He was a violinist with an
orchestra in New York, but he came back to Pennsylvania to help his dad
through tough times when my Mother-in-Law was ill. He had a job in the coal mines and helped his family. He was a
very good man.
What kind of work did you do to support yourself? Was is difficult?
It was very difficult at first. I worked from 9 to 5, Monday through Saturday. I made minimum wage to live and eat ($3.00 a week). This helped
me support myself. After I got married, I worked in the hospital for about a year and a half. All of my time working came before the Depression.
Did you live in the country or the city? How did you feel about either place?
I lived in the city and I liked living there. I didn't want to live in the country. I liked the city because there was more people to be friends with
and talk to. There were more things to do.
Do you feel there is a difference between country and city people. What makes it so?
I don't think there is a lot of difference between them. They are both friendly and work hard to support themselves.
Opinions on Life Today and the Past
How big a part has religion played in your life? Do you read the Bible?
Should everyone? What is your proof that you believe in God?
I am a Roman Catholic. Religion has played a big part in my life. I went to Sacred Heart Church in Wilkes-Barre Pa when I was growing up. I was
baptized, married, and have received all of my sacraments at Sacred Heart.
After I married, I went to St. John's Church in Luzerne, Pa. My children attended St. John's Elementary School.
I read the Bible occasionally, and I think everyone who believes in God should read it too. My proof that I believe in God is reading the Bible,
going to Church, and receiving Communion every Sunday.
How do you feel about life in general today? How is it different from the
past? Is the quality of life better or worse now?
Life today is better now and easier. It is different from the past because times have changed. The quality of life for me is easier. There are more
Are people different now than what they used to be? In what ways?
People aren't as close or sociable. The neighbors used to be very helpful.
They also kept an eye on the kids. Mothers would always go to the store and meet with their other friends. Then they would get to talking. This way, if
their child had been bad without the mother knowing, she would find out by
going to the store. Neighbors kept their eyes on children for trouble, and not baby-sitting.
How do you feel about the youth today? Are teens different now from the way
you and your friends were?
The youth of today is both good and bad. They still meet, talk, and play like the old days. One way they are different, is that today the youth is
too disrespectful, rude, and not as friendly. In the old days, children always respected others and adults and obeyed the rules.
What do you think the direction of our country is going in today?
I don't know.
Thoughts on Moral Issues
What do you consider to be the most valuable possession you ever had?
I am not sure. My wedding ring is a very treasured possession of mine.
Have you done everything in your life you wanted or planned to? If not, what
have you not done?
All I did was work day-to-day. I had no plans. I did so much work, I didn't think of what I wanted to do in life.
If you could go back and live your life over, what would you change?
I would have wanted to grow up with my parents. I would have liked to know them better. With them in my life, many changes would have been made.
How do you feel about money, friendship, kindness and honesty?
I think money, honesty, friendship and kindness are all important, but honesty, friendship and kindness are more important than money. I grew up
poor, so those qualities were important in my life.
What do you consider to be faults on people? How can they be overcome?
Some faults on people could be rudeness, greed, or unkindness. People who hurt other people for no reason have many faults. They can be overcome by
doing what they are supposed to do, and trying to be good.
What advice could you give young people that would help them to lead better
lives? What experiences have you had that they could benefit from?
Advice that could help the young is to be honest and truthful. Kindness is
always important. The young should listen to their parents and adults, and
obey the rules. I was hard-working, and the experiences I have had with
working, have made me a good person. So, hard work is something the young
can benefit from.
Facts on Mary Hrivnak
Born in Wilkes-Barre, Pa
Maiden Name: Tereschak (Tershak)
Husband: John George Hrivnak
Married on: August 20, 1938
Brothers and Sisters: Andrew, John, Peggy, Anna, Helen, Dorothy, Joey
Children: (oldest to youngest): Dorothy Krakosky, Maryann Carr-Hrivnak,
Thomas Hrivnak, Cindy Hrivnak, Karen Rauss-Hrivnak
Grandchildren: Sandy and Kenny Krakosky, Laura, Catherine, and Elaine
Hrivnak, Kevin Hrivnak, Gregory Rauss.
In the Present: Mary Hrivnak presently lives in Forty-Fort, Pa, with her
daughter Cindy and her grandson, Kevin.
Nationality: Slovak
I helping me with the project.would like to thank my grandma for taking the
time to answer all of the questions.
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